impactful work
aligned with your values

Hi, I am Pia Hillebrecht 

and I have been a sustainability professional for more than 10 years now and supported over hundred people from various industries in implementing sustainability at their workplace. 

Because I believe every job needs to be a climate job.
And everyone has social responsibility.

If you want to make sustainability a priority in your daily work, I am more than happy to support you in this endeavor! 

Become a sustainability professional 
in less than 6 months – 
not 3 years. 


You wake up every morning and are so motivated that you  jump straight out of bed – no matter the rainy weather outside… 

You go to work, meet your team of like-minded people and together you prepare the pitch and launch for the next phase of your sustainability project.

And in the evening when you meet up with your friends you proudly tell them about the amazing results that you are achieving. 

With your skills you help decrease social injustices and increase environmental protection – in your company and beyond. 🤍

And this is not volunteering – you are actually being paid for it!

Everyone around you can see how you are finally lighting up again and no longer being dragged down by climate anxiety.

Every day you are following your passion and seeing how your time and energy contributes to something bigger than yourself – something truly meaningful. 

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

but instead...

You feel frustrated about your current work situation.

You are not proud of what you are doing – or at least not fully satisfied. 

You have already invested so much time and energy into your current career – but you just feel it is not leading anywhere… 

…And sometimes you worry your job might do even more harm to the world than good… 


You know there is so much more potential that just needs to get unlocked! 

Potential that you see in yourself, at your workplace, in your community, in society at large. 

You want to contribute with something truly good. You hear of many great projects that you want to be part of or even have your own ideas.

You might have even tried out different things.

Volunteering, initiating a climate action club at your workplace or your community – but somehow it is all on top of your actual work and not very strategic.

You are just not sure how to go about it.

How do you build a strong business case for your impact project, how do you communicate it to others?

You have so many doubts and nobody to really talk to about it.

After working with me

you will have…


tweaked your current daily tasks at work so that you create your own sustainability role and project at your current work place or community


learned how to find a new job with positive impact through positioning yourself strategically and learning the relevant skills for sustainability-focused roles


finally live aligned with your values – in all aspects of your life, also work!

Your customized support towards fulfilling work with positive impact 🤍

We meet in live online sessions via Zoom where I guide you with customized exercises, tools, questions and curated resources to achieve your personal goals and increase impact at work.

Between those live sessions you will get direct access to my personal inbox where you can use me as daily sparring partner and ask questions, receive feedback and request resources.

For highest flexibility, I offer “coaching cycles” of 4 sessions each. You can decide to how many months you want to commit to at start. 

(1 coaching cycle = 2 months approximately)

Cycle 1

Set Goals

Connect to your passion and create an action plan towards your personal vision of future work with positive impact!

Gain clarity of the ideal role for you and the impact area you want to work in. 

Based on the opportunities you see, you take an informed decision for your next steps. #shouldistayorshouldigo

Cycle 2

Pitch yourself or your project

Learn how to EITHER pitch YOURSELF to a new job role (in your current company or at a new one) OR learn how to pitch YOUR IMPACT PROJECT to your manager or an investor to get support for your sustainability project.

Cycle 3


Implement your action plan and act as a sustainability professional with the right tools and mindset.

Live  more aligned with your values through profound changes in your work life, using my tools and best practices through sparring.

We work together on your personal challenge to increase impact and satisfaction with your work. 

Suggested Timeline per Coaching Cycle

You choose how regularly you want to meet. 
I highly suggest bi-weekly sessions. 



Book your
Free Exploration Call!

Before I start a mentorship with anyone, I offer a free 30 minute exploration call.

This is useful for the both of us to see if we are a match.
I only take 8 mentees at a time, so my capacities are limited and you also do not want to waste your time if my approach is not the right one for yor.

In those 30 minutes, we will dive already deep into your personal situtation and assess how my program can help you create your work with impact aligned with your values.

Before scheduling a session, I will ask you to fill out a short survey.


Each Coaching Cycle includes the following

Your Mentoring Support

4 Live Calls

We schedule our 1:1 live calls to a time of your convenience. Each call will be about 60 minutes via Zoom.

24/5 Support

You can reach out to me via your support channel any time and during weekdays I will answer within 24 hours to assist your questions.


Worksheets that make you not only reflect but also take action are core to our collaboration.

Curated Content

Based on your personal situation you will receive on top of the basic input, curated content for you individually by me personally selected.

Online Cloud

You will find all the material, like worksheets and input in a personal online folder that accompanies and structures your journey.


By working with me you become part of my personal network. If If I can put you in touch with someone that might be helpful to you or your project, I will do so.

- T E S T I M O N I A L -

Pia is my go to reference when working in sustainability. Since our first conversation I realized she understands our world’s  complex problems in a way I haven’t found in other specialists.

 She always has a way of helping practitioners find their own way of working and get on track when they deviate.

I am fortunate to be her mentee, she guided me while setting my purpose, understanding my clients and audience expectations, delivering a mindful message and planning engaging activities to help people understand the sustainability challenge and to make them feel inspired to find solutions.  

Whenever in doubt on designing a training or on how to approach a new job opportunity, I know I can turn to Pia’s advice, tools and guidance to find my inner knowledge or to borrow hers, which she is always happy to share.

Juliana Salamone


Your commitment to


Cycle 1

Actual Value: 630€

Current Price: 420€

  • Nail down your impact field
  • Identify your ideal impact role
  • Overview of opportunities
  • Take an informed decision
  • Get a customized action plan

Start here!

Save 210€ till February 15th!

Cycle 2

Actual Value: 780€

Current Price: 520€

  • Pitch yourself or you project successfully
  • Receive continuous feedback
  •  Understand your audience
  • Sharpen your profile

Only available after Cycle 1 or as PACKAGE.

Cycle 3

Actual Value: 900€

Current Price: 600€

  • Integrate feedback from your stakeholders and create change
  • Review and iterate aciton plan
  • Act as a sustainability professional using the right tools and best practices.

Only available after Cycle 2 or as PACKAGE.

*All prices on this website are net prices. Actual Value price will apply from February 15th onwards.


Ready to start your Impact Journey?

Book your Free Exploration Call!

Let's see if we are a match and whether there are available capacities for your desired starting date.

Book your Exploration Call before September 12th to secure the current prices. 🙂

Your ideal MENTORING Package

I want to reward your trust in me with special package deals – and encourage you to commit to your personal long-term goals for highest impact results possible 🤍

If you book more than 1 Cycle you will receive a special discount.

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

15% Discount

= 799€

instead of 940€ for both Cycles consecutive,
save more than 140€ with an upfront package.

Prices from February 15th onwards: 1.199€
Commit now, pay 400€ less than the actual value!

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Cycle 3

20% Discount

= 1.232€

instead of 1.540€ for all Cycles consecutive,
save more than 300€ with an upfront package.

Prices from February 15th onwards: 1.848€
Commit now, and pay 600€ less than the actual value!

Experience has shown that most people yield highest success (=change in their worklife) after 3 Coaching Cycles, with 4 sessions each.
3 Coaching Cycles hence result in a collaboration of approximately 6 months of intensive work. 
With bi-weekly sessions, each Cycle spreads over a course of 2 months. 

All Prices will increase on February 15th 2025!

Make sure to have a call with me to see if we are a match before this date. 
You can still decide to start on a later date (up until April).



- T E S T I M O N I A L -

Pia has been a wonderful partner in my journey of working on socio-environmental impact projects. 

Her unwavering commitment to transforming towards a regenerative and socially just system drives her constant pursuit of knowledge and tools, enabling her to understand and assist each person she guides in the most appropriate way

In a pivotal moment of realignment in my career, Pia helped me reconnect with my motivations and purpose in this field, identify the roles I wish to pursue, and define steps to move towards my goals. 

Through powerful questions and facilitated dialogues, Pia has greatly assisted me in my professional development. 

I am very grateful for Pia’s support and I wholeheartedly recommend her work!


See if you can find the answer in the FAQ section here.
If not, I am happy to answer any further question that you have about the program via e-mail.

  • If at any point you feel uncomfortable or do not get the value that you wish, you can cancel at any time and receive a refund of 50% of the remaining value of that coaching cycle.
    (Example: You want to stop after session 2 of Coaching Cylce 1 – 420€ The value of the 2 remaining sessions is 210€ and you get – 50% refunded = 105€ refund)
  • You have a 14-day refund option before the Mentoring program starts. The mentoring starts with the handover of your Onbaording Deck on your selected starting date.
  • And I am always open for feedback and happy to adapt the coaching to your needs.

We can schedule the sessions according to your preference. Usually it is either weekly or bi-weekly. 
In Coaching Cycle 2 weekly sessions make sense, too.
In Coaching Cycle 1 and 3 bi-weekly sessions allow for more implementation time.

I have a cancellation policy of 12 hours. You just send me a message if you have a valid reason to re-schedule a session.
If you do not cancel or re-schedule a session within this time-frame (based on valid reason), I am not obliged to make up for it and you loose that 1:1 time with me.

  • You will be able to send me messages comfortably via e-Mail to a specific mentoring e-Mail address that I treat with priority.
  • You can send me your questions, drafts, ideas etc. to my personal inbox and I will  give specific feedback in writing or via voice message within 24 hours.
  • This support is available to you throughout the entire Coaching Cycle, maximum for 90 days.

I create a personal Shared Google Drive folder for each mentee. (Upon request also Dropbox is possible).
This allows for an individual journey as I can upload and share additional material for you individually based on your specific situation and wishes, additionally to the standard worksheets and inspirational input material.

  • In your personal Online Space (Shared Google Drive) you will find over time videos, articles, audios to help you in the specific step of your journey. 
  • Especially the Worksheets are core as preparation to our 1:1 sessions.
  • Based on our conversations and your individual journey I will upload additional material that is helpful for you in particular (i.e. links to platforms or tools that I share with you in our sessions so that you can look it up later).

I cannot give or guarantee you a new job or role. This will depend on your personal effort and the market developments.

But I can promise you that you will increase your chances to be seen as sustainability professional by far.

No, I cannot promise or provide you with a job. But I will show you, depending on your location, a few “green job” platforms. This mentoring program supports you in finding or creating a job – but you have to do the work, I just give you the tools and support.

This mentoring program is specifically for people who want to find the courage to create their own sustainability role or launch their sustainability project in their current role.

  • Although I give trainings in sustainability, this is not one of them 😉 But of course I will give you all the information and tools that I know if it helps you create your impact project or impact job.
  • If you are interested in a sustainability training, sign up for my Newsletter and you will be the first one to know when the next Sustainability Bootcamp is happening.
  • Not in a traditional way. You will not receive standard negotiation strategies and the like. It is a mentoring program specifically designed for people who already know they want to go “work in sustainability” – but don’t know how to get there. 
  • This mentoring program is specifically helpful if you want to understand how you can integrate sustainability into your current role or make a change within your current organisation. #everyjobisanimpactjob 
  • I can give you an overview of sustainability jobs, platforms and guidance on what skills and knowledge you actually need and how to communicate this.
  • In Cycle 1 we will find out whether you need to look for a new job or what opportunities you have to integrate sustainability in your current role.
  • If you are certain you are looking for a new job, in Cycle 2, I do offer support and feedback during your job application process like optimizing your CV and letter of motivation.

Coaches usually work more objectively and do not bring in personal stories for example. Their main task is to lead the Coachee to their own conclusions through specific exercises.

Mentors also work with very similar tools but on the other hand do bring in their personal experience and resources.

As a mentor I can assist and even advice you if you ask me for my professional opinion. But I also use tools from the Coaching space – so it will be a mix 😉 

Both professions are in full service of the personal development of the individual that is their mentee or coachee.

In most cases not. You always start with Cycle 1 as in my experience it is useful for mentees to take the time to reflect about their impact area, ideal job role and take a conscious decision whether they want to integrate sustainability in their current job or go for a new one. #shouldistayorshouldigo
I want to make sure you don’t miss any opportunities.

In very specific cases, where people have a clear idea for an impact project that they want to launch in their current company or community, we can start with Cycle 2. Let’s discuss this in the Exploration Call.  

Yes, after the three Coaching Cycles you can book individual Coaching sessions to continue the sparring long-term. The cost per 1 hour session is 125€ net. We can agree on a bulk discount.

Cycle 1: 420€

Cycle 2: 520€

Cycle 3: 600€

Package Discount of 15% for booking Cycle 1&2 together: 799€ instead of 940€ – save 140€.

Package Discount of 20% for booking Cycle 1&2&3 together: 1.232€ instead of 1.540€ – save 308€. 

[Scroll up to the price list for limited special deals]

All prices on this webiste are net prices. 
The total price will depend on your respective country.

Because the depth of our collaboration increases. The longer we work together the more involved I will get as a mentor and sparrings partner. So my time investment will increase, the better I know you and your work situation, as well as your impact results will increase.

Get your doubts out of the way now and start living your values.

Book your Free Exploration Call!

I am happy to answer all your questions and adapt the Mentoring Program according to your needs.

Book your Exploration Call before September 12th to secure the current prices. 🙂


My Experiences

As a consultant, I have worked with teams in big corporations like Mercedes-Benz, H&M, Otto International by the Otto Group, Henkel, Tom Tailor, Phoenix Group and at impact organisations like Silbernetz, WunderTree, Klimapatenschaft GmbH, Krinova, 180 Degrees Consulting and other. Being a consultant and mentor, I really enjoy diving deep into different industries and driving change from within old systems as well as exploring innovative business models.

If you identify with – or want to identify with – any of those, then I am sure I will be able to support you on your journey towards the next level of impact in your work life.

Profile pics (1)

After working with me you will have taken ownership and can exaclty name and see what the impact is that you are creating through your daily actions.

No more wasting time and energy. You feel you are making a difference, every day.

You will be excited to share your goals and achievements with your friends and family and proudly talk about your work.

You finally will have found or created the place where you fit in – with your unique skills – without starting another Master’s Degree or taking hours of training.

Become a sustainability professional 
in less than 6 months – 
not 3 years.
impactful work
aligned with your values

