impactful work
aligned with your values
6 Week
Group Mentoring
for #ImpactJobSeeker
Clear roadmap and professional guidance for people who want to
>> transition to or re-join the sustainability working field <<
Next Group Start & Kick-Off Session: January 20th 2025
Your current job is no longer fulfilling and aspiring?
You feel like you are not contributing to something meaningful or already quit your job because the mismatch with your personal values just became too big?
So many people nowadays realize that their 9-to-5 jobs do not align with their private conscious consumption any more…. Are you one of them?
Having taken the decision to leave your former employer to look for a job in sustainability you find yourself frustrated and disappointed because you have not been invited to a single interview?
“Jobhunting” can be so exhausting! 😩
You are wondering, what you are doing wrong and how you can improve your CV and frantically applying to various online trainings in sustainability..

…maybe you even started questioning your competence, skills and life choices at this point. 💔
Hi, I am Pia Hillebrecht
I am here to stop you from drowning in self-doubt and empower you to not give up on your dream job and not settle for less!

In the past years I have accompanied multiple people to integrate sustainability into their current workplace or community and through my 1:1 mentoring to find (or create) a new job with impact.
Now I am making this service available to more people and even better accessible and refined for ImpactJobSeeker.
I have selected the top tools, exercises, tasks, tips and best practices that have helped my previous mentees on their Impact Journeys and weaved them into this Group program.
Because I believe every job needs to be a climate job.
Everyone has social responsibility.
It is my mission to make impactul work accessible for everyone – no matter your background.
Sustainability Consultant,
System Transformation Facilitator
& Your Impact Mentor
Where are you at right now and who would you like to be in 5 years?

…yourself 1 year from now. You are part of a passionate team with brilliant minds who deeply care about solving the root causes of today’s social injustices and climate emergencies. In your team you are appreciated for your diverse background and you can use your expertise and skills for a good purpose now.
Each day feels inspiring and you grow as a person and sustainability professional. You no longer feel like you don’t belong or like an Impostor, just reading the cool impact insights on the sideline. You are now part of the global network of Change Agents, participating in the events and activities.
Finally, you feel proud again to tell your friends and family about your work achievements.
Sounds too good to be true and
you wouldn’t know where to start?
You don’t have to do this alone!
Sustainability is a shared vision and
we need all hands on deck! 🙌
Join the Group Mentoring for #ImpactJobSeeker today!
6 Weeks - 6 Live Sessions - Small Group
to get you the impact job you desire
Each week we will work on a strategic topic to get you one step closer to your dream of becoming a sustainability professional.

Week 1
Connect with your Passion and Purpose to understand which organisations truly align with your values. #nogreenwashing

Week 2
Find out what your ideal Impact Field is - exactly. The sustainability field is vast - and can be overwhelming. Let's find your niche!

Week 3
Define your ideal Impact Role. If you don't know how you want to work - how will you make sure you can find it? Know what to look and ask for.

Week 4
Discover your Unique Sustainability Profile through the Sustainability Skills Gap Analysis & create a personal Development Plan.

Week 5
Find your Voice and spread your message: sharpen your Profile & Positioning

Week 6
Sketch your pathway: Make an Action Plan & engage in Network-weaving
Your Mentoring Support
6 Online Modules with Videos
with content input on how to plan and approach your next steps on your Impact Journey strategically
6 Live Q&A Sessions
to answer your personal questions about your unique situation
Virtual Community Space
together with your cohort members with moderated channels on topics like: #jobopportunities, #peerfeedback, #impactstories and more
Exercises, Guidebooks & Templates
in an Online Space to take strategic actions to advance your Impact Journey
- T E S T I M O N I A L -
I would recommend the program as it is a great combination of content input from Pia, independent development of the topics/exercises and self-reflection and individual support from Pia as well as from the group.
The program builds on each other in a great way and offers many different possibilities and exercises to get closer to ones goal.
It is also a lot of fun to exchange ideas with like-minded people and to experience the variety of (heartfelt) topics relating to sustainability. That’s motivating!
Pia is a great mentor who always has a tip ready, is very empathetic towards her participants and guides them through the program in a positive and motivating way.

Within less than 2 Months you will have:
Updated your (LinkedIn) Profile
Have a CV with a clear storyline at hand
Clarity about your ideal impact role and field
Know how to present yourself in your resume and at events

Built a strong network of like-minded people
Applied to relevant job positions
Explored non-conventional ways to land a job in sustainability
I cannot give you a job (unfortunately...yet) but I promise you will have everything you need to BE a Change Agent.
2 additional sessions to connect with peers:
1 Kick-Off Session + 1 Celebration Session
Additional virtual spaces to co-create and exchange resources with group members and Mentees from my other programs
EXTRA tools and exercises
to hone your sustainability skills
1 additional Month free access to the wwi-#impactcommunity platform
- T E S T I M O N I A L -
Pia is my go to reference when working in sustainability. Since our first conversation I realized she understands our world’s complex problems in a way I haven’t found in other specialists.
She always has a way of helping practitioners find their own way of working and get on track when they deviate.
I am fortunate to be her mentee, she guided me while setting my purpose, understanding my clients and audience expectations, delivering a mindful message and planning engaging activities to help people understand the sustainability challenge and to make them feel inspired to find solutions.
Whenever in doubt on designing a training or on how to approach a new job opportunity, I know I can turn to Pia’s advice, tools and guidance to find my inner knowledge or to borrow hers, which she is always happy to share.

Are you ready?
For fulfilling work with impact?
This 6-week Group Mentoring for #ImpactJobSeeker includes:
- 6 live sessions
- Templates, Exercises, Guidebooks
- Virtual Community Space

to make sustainability accessible
Original price will apply starting January 21st
Is the program the right one for you?
This program is ideal for you if:
You are looking for a job in sustainability and not yet an expert in this field
You don’t want just any job - but one that is aligned with your values and vision of life
- You are willing to work on your own relationship with “work”
Secure your spot.
This program is not for you if:
You do not actually care about sustainability - you just want a "career coaching"
You hope to get a job offered here
- You still think in terms of “competition” instead of cheering others on
Each Cohort is limited to 10 people max. In order for me to give you individual support as each ImpactJourney is very unique.
The first spots are already reserved.
Joining our #impactcommunity, you will have fun and might even meet future colleagues 😉
Because in sustainability – we are all driving forward the same vision, no matter where we are employed at. ✨

You can absolutely continue applying randomly to jobs for the next months by yourself – and hope you land any of them. Or spend a lot of money on sustainability trainings that are not actually strategically bringing you any closer to your dream job but distracting you from becoming visible and active.
I just hope for you that you do not loose yourself, your self-esteem and passion on the way.
Or even worse… the doubts take up so much space and your current toxic workplace drains you so much that you even loose the drive and energy to change your situation – now – and stay stuck for another year or two.
Joining this group program will ensure you keep your sanity and integrity
The future can only be created together, and in a just society we are here to support each other to become the best compassionate version of ourselves.
- T E S T I M O N I A L -
Pia has been a wonderful partner in my journey of working on socio-environmental impact projects.
Her unwavering commitment to transforming towards a regenerative and socially just system drives her constant pursuit of knowledge and tools, enabling her to understand and assist each person she guides in the most appropriate way.
In a pivotal moment of realignment in my career, Pia helped me reconnect with my motivations and purpose in this field, identify the roles I wish to pursue, and define steps to move towards my goals.
Through powerful questions and facilitated dialogues, Pia has greatly assisted me in my professional development.
I am very grateful for Pia’s support and I wholeheartedly recommend her work!

See if you can find the answer in the FAQ section here.
If not, I am happy to answer any further question that you have about the program via e-mail.
- It is for people looking to transition or re-join an organisation and role connected to sustainability
- It is not for people who are not looking for an employed situation connected to sustainability.
- The sessions will be determined via majority vote of all participants. The current proposal is Wednesdays 5pm CET.
- I will make sure to share summaries with the important insights after each session.
- There is a FAQ channel in the community space where you can ask your questions any time.
- It is highly recommended that you join the sessions – but it is up to you.
- Then please let me know and we will try to find a solution for you. Depending on the group size for the current cohort there might be more than 1 Live session per week to choose from.
- Only for people from the Waiting List will be able to request personal feedback from me as your Mentor in writing via the support channel.
- But you can actually ask all your personal question in the open FAQ channel and in each Live session.
- Everyone in the cohort will be part of a slack workspace and can reach out to the other ImpactJobSeeker via direct message.
- Actually you will be having access to the community channels beyond this group and can connect with all my Mentees from other programs, as well.
- Then this program is not the right one for you.
- Although we will be discussing how to improve your profile and what job platforms to look at – it is very specialised to the impact field and not a generic training on how to apply for jobs or negotiate in interviews.
- No, I cannot promise or offer jobs. But you will have anything that you need to position yourself as credible sustainability professional.
- You will have access to job platforms and positions curated for sustainable impact.
- You have a 14-day refund option after booking the program.
- As a professional workshop facilitator I love to host action-based sessions and co-creation is a core principle in sustainability, as well as diversity. So we will use the opportunity to support each other this group in the live sessions and on the community platform.
- If you don’t enjoy group settings, you can check out my 1:1 Impact Job Mentoring here.
- You can pay via Credit Card or PayPal.
- Installments are not possible for such short programs.
- On th ecourse platform you will find weekly video input which shouldn’t exceed 1 hour.
- Then you have 1 hour weekly Live session
- and approximately estimate 3 additional hours each week to ensure you make progress on your goals by actually DOING the exercises and taking the next steps
- It is perfectly compatible if you are still in your “old employment”.
- Yes, you can join the program.
- You can do the exercises and action steps on your own time whenever suits you best.
- You can watch all the material on an online platform
- the templates and exercises have clear instructions
- you have all-time access to the community platform if you need support, any time
The exact date is still to be determined.
But there will be no start before April 2025, most likely.
You want to work in sustainability, but don’t know where to start?
This 6-week program gives you the exact roadmap with tasks and exercises that you need to follow to become a sustainability professional. ✨
Transparent cost structure
What I get paid as Consultant and Facilitator when doing trainigns for organisations
But for private people, committed to driving change through their work, I want to make it as accessible as possible, especially when facing unemployment/re-training/transitioning.
6x 60 minute Live session per week, with professional input & Q&A = 6 Mentoring sessions in total
Value: 1.440€
Access to the Community Platform to exchange with other Change Agents during the program
Value: 360€
Best practice Guides, Exercises and Templates to advance your job search strategically and with full speed.
Value: 800€
2 extra sessions to connect with your peers – get to know each other and celebrate
Value: 240€
dedicated virtual spaces to co-create and exchange resources with group members
1 Month additional free access to the #impactcommunity platform
Value: 330€
Extra tools and resources for Sustainability Professionals to hone your skills while looking for employment.
Value: 299€
total Value:
Special Deal:
*If you have an additoinal discount CODE you can enter it on the booking page.
This program is 100% developed and facilitated by me personally
Pia Hillebrecht
Sustainability consultant with 10 years experience &
Your Impact Mentor
It is my honor to accompany you on your journey

After those 6 weeks you will have:
You are already too long on the jobhunt for your dream career and losing hope?
We are kick-ing off on January 20th and the first official Live session is on January 23rd!
The spots are limited to keep the work impactful 
About your Impact Mentor
As a consultant, I have worked with teams in big corporations like Mercedes-Benz, H&M, Otto International by the Otto Group, Henkel, Tom Tailor, Phoenix Group and at impact organisations like Silbernetz, WunderTree, Klimapatenschaft GmbH, Krinova, 180 Degrees Consulting and other. Being a consultant and mentor, I really enjoy diving deep into different industries and driving change from within old systems as well as exploring innovative business models.

If you identify with – or want to identify with – any of those, then I am sure I will be able to support you on your journey towards the next level of impact in your work life.

impactful work
aligned with your values
- Hermannstr. 229 12049 Berlin
- pia(at)impacthills.com
- work.with.impact
- work.with.impact
- Pia Hillebrecht